Women’s Day

Happy Woman’s Day, beauties!


Hello, my beauties! Today is dedicated to you, to us, to every single woman. You all deserve to be treated like queens, because that’s what you are! Feel beautiful, confident, loved, blessed, unstoppable and strong – not only today, but everyday.

There are so many things a woman should be grateful for! Buy gifts for yourself whenever you want, dance a lot – it will make you feel more relaxed, buy lots of flowers, sing, dress up, drink wine, make plans to achieve your goals, go shopping, eat a little cupcake, cry if you feel the need (it’s not the end of the world if you feel upset once in a while) but be happy after that! You matter!


I’m a strong believer in love. Love – relationships, friendships and respect. I do believe that women should help each other, love each other. Let’s be glamorous and successful, all of us! You don’t mess with a woman who has found herself through being picked on. Walk with your head up. Always. Enjoy privacy and silence – these are the real luxuries.

“If you believe in yourself and realize how wonderful you are, you can do anything.” – I’ve just seen this on one of the chicest girls on Twitter. Silky pajamas and a good magazine – the perfect way to enjoy a Sunday & Women’s Day. 

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I wish you all a beautiful spring full of sunny days and pretty moments. You all deserve it, cuties!


Things to be greatful for being a woman!


Hello, beautiful girls, ladies, moms!

First of all, I want to wish all of you a beautiful spring and Happy International Women’s Day! 

As a lot of us might see it, women have so many things to be grateful for and mostly in today’s times, with more opportunities than ever. When you really sit back and think about how many things to be grateful for there are right at your feet, it can feel pretty amazing.

One of the things to be greateful for as a woman today is that we have the freedom to choose any career path we want. Don’t let fear, challenges, or opinions of others hold you back. Many women in certain parts of the world don’t have these opportunities. Take advantage of it, beauties!

Another really amazing thing to be grateful for as a woman is the freedom to express ourselves through fashion. One day you are dressed extremely elegant, in a fancy dress and the next day you might feel the need to be sporty and comfortable.

When it comes to healthy food choices, be greatful for having this opportunity, for the reason that there are a lot of other women who don’t. Remember not to take these king of things for granted.

Many of today’s top leaders are women. Do you know how powerful we are as a whole? Women unite and relate to one another. That’s something I’m truly grateful for!

Be grateful for living in a world with technology or body freedom! Take a moment to enjoy yourself. Being a woman gives you a lot of opportunities if you learn how to do it!

What are you greatful for? 🙂