
Beauty: Tips on how to grow long and healthy hair! ❤

Hello, beauties!

Since I’ve just seen the first Coca Cola Christmas advert, I wanted to start writing my first post about Christmas, because I’m already so excited about this time of the year (as always)! After thinking twice about it, I’ve decided to post my first article about Christmas only in December, as soon as I start decorating my house (I caaaan’t wait!❤) Therefore, in this post I’m going to tell you a few tips for growing long and healthy hair.

Along the years I can say that my hair was abused. It was pretty blonde, black! Yes, it was pink. I wanted to dye it red and since it was my first time doing that, I messed it up so badly (only after a few weeks I realised why people were staring at me like that…). Anyway, it was another experience. I used to cut it, because I didn’t like my hair, too bad I didn’t know how to do it! Now I can say that my hair is long and smooth, even though I have some bad hair days.

Don’t wash it everyday! I used to do this like 2 years ago, for a very long time. I was told not to wash it too often for the reason that, when you do this, you’re taking off the natural oil in your scalp which allows your hair to shine. I know that some of you might wash it everyday because it has too much excess oil.

Use conditioner! The purpose of the shampoo is to clean your hair and the purpose of a conditioner is to repair it, plus it makes your hair shine, like you’ve just dyed it.

Less heat for your hair! I’m pretty sure you already know this, but letting your hair dry naturally, without your intervention, is very good for your hair. I recommend you this only if you are aware of that fact that you might get headaches and more awful things! (You should do this only in the spring/summer time.). Another ”less heat for your hair” tip is to stop using flat irons, or at least don’t do this often, in order to have a healthy hair.

Same goes with water. I don’t say that you have to wash your hair with ice cold water, but try not to wash it with hot water, because just as irons, it damages your hair.

Over-brushing. Doing this to your hair can cause split ends and breakage, and it’s causing just too much consistent friction for hair to handle. Cheap brushes don’t help either, causing snags and tangles that are hard to get out and resulting in broken hair and split ends.

Down below I posted a picture of some foods for heavenly hair, brought by Lauren Conrad ( I really hope that these 5 tips will help you get a healthy hair!

Kisseeees! ❤